The Data Champions Program team cordially invites all faculty and staff to visit the Data Champions Poster Session on Monday, May 4. The event will take place outside Manchester Hall and will feature projects completed by 20 Data Champions from divisions across campus.
This is your chance to take a first-hand look at the data-informed projects initiated by your colleagues and to support their efforts to improve student success. All projects are focused on identifying areas where we can improve our service to students and range from assessing the impact of Student Success Centers, analyzing Beginning College Student Engagement Survey (BCSSE), exploring equity gaps in course outcomes and student engagement, as well as evaluation and exploratory discoveries. The aim of the program is to encourage the use of data to identify areas for improvement and to help find solutions to put into action through building a community of data users and student success advocates.
Detailed information about the program as well as last year’s posters can be viewed on our Data Champions Program page.